Thursday, January 21, 2010

Photo Manipulation on Hiatus in the Media?

I think images of Photoshop gone somewhat bad. I say you should just accept the fact of how you look, and not change your physical features around. Many are beautiful in their own way. But today it's true, many celebs have to be endorsed looking great, having the best skin, beautiful eyes, full lips, and everything! We need to see more natural looking models in our magazines today, and not just the fake looking ones with all that makeup and glam piled on their faces.

This picture is Madonna "photoshopped"


  1. Yes! I agree. People should accept each other and themselves for who they are, for everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way. Photoshop does sell products but I believe that photoshop can only be taken to a certain extent. I mean the picture that you have posted, it manipulated her to an extent where she doesn't look that much alike. In the before picture she looks like Gollum form Lord of the Rings on drugs, but in the after she looks like what we think Madonna looks like, wrinkle free, glowing skin, slender face, and perfect skin.

  2. AMEN ! These celebs really need to stop going off on the make up and just show their natural selves, and everyone IS beautiful in their very own way. Accepting is the solution to make the world a better place, people will feel more better about them selves and their will hopefully be no more hating. No one is ugly we're all beautiful in our own ways.
