Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Changing Face of Video Games

Video games today are starting to become a big part of people's lives.
I'm not going to lie, I find video games very addicting and fun, but
sometimes you need to stop and think about what's happening. The good
effects of video games are, You get to improve on your eye hand
coordination, you learn to follow instructions , and with some games
you problem solve and use your logical skills. But on the other side,
there are very bad effects with playing video games! There arealot of
games being advertised out that involve guns and bombs and just
straight out killing! Games like this can ruin a child's mind. A new
game out called "Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 2" is very popular with
teens these days. I find this game really fun to play with others who
have aps 3 like me! With this game there is violent content, I say you
should be mature enough to play some of these violent games. Also, when
you play these games, you shouldn't be too addicted with them! Iremember a time on the news, when a 15 year old boy got his Xbox
taken away by his parents because he was way too addicted to Call of
Duty. They told him he was playing way too much! When they took hisXbox away, he got way too sensitive and ran away. A few days later, he was found dead.

This is really sad to hear, because you never know what's going to happen
with kids like these. I wouldn't blame anyone, in this case because It
was right to take away theXbox. But also, kids shouldn't be too attached to things like this. All in all, I find video games all right to play, as long as you know your limits when playing games.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, with you, People should regulated just how much time to spend on video games, no to become addicted, but with game that are good for you ie wii fit kids should be able to spend a little more time on those.
