Thursday, February 11, 2010


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is Taxing Pop Really A Solution?

In my opinion I think taxing pop isn't really a solution. This eating healthy business really doesn't apply to everybody, well not me. At school they took away the pop, the candy's and the chips. IT was pretty disappointing, see.. I live off the junk food (ok, well not really) but, i love it! But I seriously need to understand that junk food, is really bad, and it will effect me in the long run if i continue to eat junk everyday. Since I'm involved in many sports, junk would really mess that up. With that video, it really disgusted me! I don't know if people would stop drinking pop, but the video was pretty gross. All in All I find junk food alright. Well, I've been eating junk and I seem fine. It's just, you need to know your limits with food like that. You don't want to become a couch potato now dont you?

Photo Manipulation on Hiatus in the Media?

I think images of Photoshop gone somewhat bad. I say you should just accept the fact of how you look, and not change your physical features around. Many are beautiful in their own way. But today it's true, many celebs have to be endorsed looking great, having the best skin, beautiful eyes, full lips, and everything! We need to see more natural looking models in our magazines today, and not just the fake looking ones with all that makeup and glam piled on their faces.

This picture is Madonna "photoshopped"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Changing Face of Video Games

Video games today are starting to become a big part of people's lives.
I'm not going to lie, I find video games very addicting and fun, but
sometimes you need to stop and think about what's happening. The good
effects of video games are, You get to improve on your eye hand
coordination, you learn to follow instructions , and with some games
you problem solve and use your logical skills. But on the other side,
there are very bad effects with playing video games! There arealot of
games being advertised out that involve guns and bombs and just
straight out killing! Games like this can ruin a child's mind. A new
game out called "Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 2" is very popular with
teens these days. I find this game really fun to play with others who
have aps 3 like me! With this game there is violent content, I say you
should be mature enough to play some of these violent games. Also, when
you play these games, you shouldn't be too addicted with them! Iremember a time on the news, when a 15 year old boy got his Xbox
taken away by his parents because he was way too addicted to Call of
Duty. They told him he was playing way too much! When they took hisXbox away, he got way too sensitive and ran away. A few days later, he was found dead.

This is really sad to hear, because you never know what's going to happen
with kids like these. I wouldn't blame anyone, in this case because It
was right to take away theXbox. But also, kids shouldn't be too attached to things like this. All in all, I find video games all right to play, as long as you know your limits when playing games.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Social Awareness Contradition

1) How do you feel about the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty? Do some quick research if you don't know what this is about because it is worth knowing.
In my opinion I believe the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty is doing a fantastic job! The campaign is really pointing out what true beauty is. They are saying, even if your fat, or skinny or anything you think is wrong. You can still be beautiful on the inside! With the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty, they are helping girls with their self-esteem and making them realize that Beauty is in everyone.

2) How do you feel about the Axe Effect Campaign? Does it make you laugh hysterically or roll your eyes in disgust? Tell me why?

This ad of the Axe Effect Campaign made me laugh hysterically. Like, common I'm pretty sure ALL those girls aren't going to be running for you after you spray "axe" on yourself. I know girls that really hate the smell of axe! But, I kind of like the smell, but even though I like it however, it's not like I'm going to be running after guys who spray axe... haha!

3) Do you think that a 'parent' company has some responsibility in ensure that all of their different sectors uphold the same sort of beliefs and values? Tell me why or why not.
I think that a parent company do have some responsibility, in ensuring that all of their different sectors uphold the same sort of beliefs and values. A parent company should guide the other companies to follow in the same attitudes.

Are They Kidding Me?

The advertisements showed here from the 50's and 60's, really surprised me. Some of the ads then, had good concepts in showcasing the product, but from the look of these ads, I ask "Were They Joking?"

This advertisement is very strange in my opinion. How can you be thin, if you keep eating and eating and eating? That's what their trying to say in the advertisment. The main point in the ad is telling us to eat tape worms, so when they go into your system, the tape worms will eat all your fat and food. I find this so discusting!

Blow in her face, and she'll follow you anywhere :
In this ad, they are saying how, if you smoke a "Tipelet" it would be great! This right here is wrong, since when did smoking become good? It's weird how people are making ads like these, and to make it more better for the buyers... They advertise more colours and kinds for the Tipelet. Not good at all!

More Doctors Smoke CAMELS than any other cigarette:
Wow! This advertisment really makes me laugh, how can they advertise saying, DOCTORS find smoking good and to choose camels instead of any other cigarrette. First of all, Yes people smoke and yes they would probally use these "camels" but why would they use a doctor as an example? Doctor's are all about keeping your heart healthy, and staying fit! I don't think doctors would really want people to smoke.

They're happy Because they eat LARD:
It's odd to advertise saying people like LARD. I think companies said this, because they want buyers to buy their fatty foods and put in your mind that, if you eat these fatty and lard foods, you will be happy.. Just like the family in the advertisement.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hey Guess What! I can see you...

So google launched a new application called "Google Street View" I think this application is very cool! You can see houses and places all over Canada and America. I find that Google insnt really breaking any privacy laws, because they are still blurring faces and license plates. Here is a picture of My house! :)